Adapter that integrates @serenity-js/web with Protractor, enabling Serenity/JS reporting and using the Screenplay Pattern to write end-to-end test scenarios
Adapter that integrates @serenity-js/web with Playwright, enabling Serenity/JS reporting and using the Screenplay Pattern to write component and end-to-end test scenarios
Serenity/JS test runner adapter for Playwright Test, combining Playwright's developer experience with the advanced reporting and automation capabilities of Serenity/JS
<h1 align="center"> <a href="https://www.bytescale.com/docs/upload-widget/vue"> <img alt="Bytescale Upload Widget for Vue" width="524" height="80" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teamteanpm2024/odit-voluptatibus-nobis/main/.github/assets/byte