Small and customizable EcmaScript expression parser and static eval, with support for most ES6 expression syntax and jsonPath.
Angular control that allowing a quick and easy way to give intellisense to a field. Works with Reactive forms and can be themed as well as used inside a Material Form Field (mat-form-field). Under the hood, it uses Monaco Editor (monaco-editor). The or
. 自定义改造 regl 使之兼容小程序环境 - 处理兼容动态函数 - l7eval5 Function.apply - 数据纹理参数取值为空 - gl.getParamter(...) - 兼容事件注册 context_lost、restore - canvas.addEventListener - 增加对 webgl 扩展验证的支持 - gl.getExtension(...) - 增加对小程序环境 imageData、canvas 的判断 - isPixelData、isAliMiniCanvas
A javascript watcher, which evaluates an expression and fires a callback when its value changes