
A powerful AI package (built using typescript) for interacting with the Google Bard API, without needing to set your own cookie!
AITPUGPTLLMBERTCUDABardAIaaSKerasOpenAIAI ArtNVIDIAPyTorchMistralAI NewsChatGPTEdge AIDatasetRoboticsTrainingCloud AIOntologyAI MusicInferenceAI GamingAI TrendsAI SafetyAI PolicyAI WritingRegressionPerplexityAI CoursesQuantum AIClusteringEmbeddingsBias in AITensorFlowIoT and AIAnnotationGoogle BardOverfittingSimulationsAI JournalsAI StartupsAI HardwareFine-tuningHuggingFaceAI ResearchData MiningPerplexityAISemantic WebScikit-learnEthics in AISegmentationUnderfittingAI WorkshopsAI EducationAI in RetailPerplexity AIMeta-learningDeep LearningAI InvestmentMultimodal AIAI ChallengesCrowdsourcingAI RegulationAI in FinanceSynthetic DataAI ConferencesFairness in AIExplainable AIAdversarial AISpeech-to-TextEdge ComputingText-to-SpeechClassificationLanguage ModelNeural NetworksAI AcceleratorsComputer VisionAI in EducationAI ApplicationsAI CompetitionsKnowledge GraphsAI in HealthcareMachine LearningObject DetectionCross-ValidationHuman-in-the-loopBlockchain and AISequence ModelingTransfer LearningAnomaly DetectionImage RecognitionFederated LearningTransformer ModelsSentiment AnalysisFacial RecognitionFeature ExtractionVirtual AssistantsQuestion AnsweringSpeech RecognitionAI in ManufacturingAttention MechanismAutonomous VehiclesRecommender SystemsFeature EngineeringSupervised LearningAI Ethics GuidelinesPredictive AnalyticsHyperparameter TuningUnsupervised LearningConversational AgentsReinforcement LearningDimensionality ReductionSemi-Supervised LearningNatural Language ProcessingNatural Language UnderstandingGenerative Adversarial Networks


jskit-plot is a javascript module for quickly plotting data with highcharts. When jskit-plot used with ML.js, and jskit-learn, you're left with the equialent R/Python toolset in JavaScript.


modelscript is a javascript module with simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis in JavaScript. When modelscript used with ML.js, pandas-js, and numjs, you're left with the equialent R/Python toolset in JavaScript.


jsonstack data is a TypeScript module with simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis in TypeScript. When jsonstack data used with ML.js, pandas-js, and numjs, you're left with the equivalent R/Python tool set in TypeScript.


modelscript is a javascript module with simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis in JavaScript. When modelscript used with ML.js, pandas-js, and numjs, you're left with the equivalent R/Python tool set in JavaScript.