
Our Data Handling functions. These support type checking and type coercion and conversion of Objects--ints, string, number, JSON, any--to commonize data handling and type checking.


Our Data Caching functions. These support files, JSON, JS Objects, any primitive, etc. And provide common keying support.


Our List Processing functions. These support list of Objects--ints, string, JSON, any--that are ordered and related to other lists on the same topic. These can be used to swap one item in a list with its corresponding element in a realted list. This is si


An npm package to collect all MicroCODE 'mcode-' packages into a single 'mcode.' namespace. This allows any of the packages to be used independently--mcode-log, mcode-list, etc.--but have them all collected into 'mcode.<function>()' syntax when used togth